May 6, 2006 by Craig Boswell
Why I think there is something to Eric Julien’s message
I would have dismissed Eric Julien’s message regarding danger from a comet fragment on May 25, 2006 as simply crackpot tidings were it not for some dreams and experiences which others and I have had, first two years ago and then again this year. These warned of destruction threatening two cities and included a number of elements which tie in closely with Julien’s message, which can be seen at
I’ll start with what is most recent. On January 31 of this year, I had a dream where two old friends P. and J., who live in San Francisco, appeared to me and said “We only have two to three time cycles left”, then corrected themselves, saying “two and a half to three time cycles left, after which we will be unavailable. You need to come see us NOW.” They didn’t specifically say ‘time cycles’, but I saw a clock face, and got the sense of time periods such as weeks or months. In the dream, I dropped everything I was doing and joined them. We went to a big table for something akin to a family reunion. My interpretation of the dream was that they would die – what else could make them become unavailable? – and that an earthquake was the likely threat, considering where they lived.
I called my friends, whom I had not visited in several years, and it turned out that an upcoming spring break would be a perfect time for a visit. I took some vacation and went out in February.
On February 19, the first morning at their house, I awoke when it was still dark, meditated for a short while, and then went back to bed. I was lying in bed and my thoughts wandered to “what could be the cause of their becoming unavailable?” At the exact moment my mind passed over the last two words, I both heard and saw the words “unexpected attack”. I simultaneously saw the letters as if I were reading them and heard the sounds as if someone were speaking them. This is an unusual way of perceiving things, but it certainly drove the point home. No further details were given. My conscious mind of course had to do something with this information, so my new conclusion was that the threat likely involved a container vessel dispatched by some enemy. Nothing else came to me during my stay on the West Coast.
Hence this dream alerted me that something big was coming and my best guess was that it was two and half to three months away. True, you could say that it only mentioned my friends, but it was also a reprise of dreams which had occurred two years earlier. More of that later. I kept watching my dreams for more clues.
On March 17th, 2006 I had a dream in which I was at the end of a long trip in some place like Europe, literally at the end of the road, out of money, and due to go home. I was being picked up by a minivan with a driver. Others were with me and were abandoning cars and clothing which seemed to be breaking down and returning to the earth. I was pleased to be going home. The driver asked me if the red folder I was carrying was all I would be taking. I looked at the stuff we were leaving behind and said yes.
This seemed to be a clear dream about dying: the end of the road, having been a tourist (on earth), going home, abandoning cars and clothing which often symbolize the physical body.
In mid-April, a friend in a study group I belong to reported the following dream: he and many others were in a sort of airport, lining up to leave the earth in a spacecraft, to go to some other planets. The earth had become uninhabitable, due to something happening with the sun. People were orderly and a peaceful mood reigned. Everyone was wearing blue jumpsuits. Someone tapped him on the shoulder, and said “make sure you tell Craig about this, he will want to know”.
Another friend in mid-April dreamt that she could get a new car for the same price as that of keeping her old one. In real life, she is close to having paid off her still very viable Honda. Obviously no real new car could come for that price. Cars are often symbols of the physical body.
A friend of mine whom we can call A. and who lives in L.A. has extraordinary dreams, some of them involving UFO’s. Here are some of the dreams he has had this year.
It was midday, sunny at home with [my wife] in California that suddenly we felt the walls shaking and an earthquake coming. The noise grew louder and I told her to get to a safe place but it seemed we could not reason or act due to the dulling effect of the earthquake. Then I saw from our wall tall glass window that a wave of water was heading our way. I alerted [her] to save herself but it hit us and we were drowned but not hurt. I saw a bunch of animals including a mountain lion behind our glass window that were washed away with the water current. They looked disoriented as well like they had no clue what had happened to them. I asked [her] to call 911 and tell them about the wild animals outside of our home but she was very slow to react. I locked the glass door to keep animals out but it was not stable.
It’s interesting that he had this dream the same morning that my friends appeared to me in my dream.
I was in San Francisco and the city was in trouble. I was dreaming and saw a great magnitude earthquake threatening the city and tried to wake up and warn my family but I could not and it troubled me till I did wake up and ask them to be prepared to leave the house.
All the flights were grounded due to some problem. One of my friends at work, Steve, a British guy, was trying to pilot a plane and take us out of that place but it was at a risk. He warned me of the risk which was simply fluctuation in pitch angle that would cause the plane to become unstable en route being exposed to atmospheric turbulence. He was waiting for a signal from me and we were on plane. I reasoned that it was risky to take off.
I was cut off from my family living in the city and was very concerned how they would survive with possible loss of shelter, water and food. I could not call them but after sometime I succeeded and found out they were apparently all right.
His wife’s family lives in the Bay area. Notice the date of his dream – two months to the day before May 25th, which is when Julien says the event is to occur. Also notice the pilot who is trying to get people out. My friend and I went over that detail quite a bit, trying to figure out what it could mean. He had no insight into what a pilot or his colleague might symbolize. In retrospect, I wonder if it doesn’t symbolize Julien, who is European and a pilot. At the time, we knew nothing about Eric Julien. We only learned about him on April 29th.
On April 15, this same friend wrote me:
I had a dream this morning very potent...and while I'll record it for my own log but on SF note and anticipated dreams...I felt something heading toward us same for SF from the seas...what is it? I don't know, killer wave, tidal waves...or what? but it felt and imparted the revelation to me...
To round things out, here are two dreams he sent me recently, but which date back to 2003.
June 2003
I was in home and was watching the southern sky. It was night and I saw a very huge rock approaching. In the crevices of the rock, I knew destructive beings were hiding and they invaded the Earth. Again they were searching everything and I remember that they put me in a chamber at zero Kelvin, checking or my intent and thoughts, and as much as I was gong through a very delicate oscillation of balance and imbalance, all in my intention, I passed the test and after that I had very unusual power of induction and creation!
I was watching a TV channel talking about the coming impact of a planet (invisible and visible) into Earth that only the people's power of mind could stop it. A scientist before going away, showed me a picture of Mars Cable, more so like feed pattern of a wave guide that could link with Mars. Also there were a couple of these out of the Earth creatures being held in a room, that I just caught glimpses of their bodies. I was told that they look like us but unaware of the way we are; they are a totally different system. I actually saw the planet approaching us and looked at a friend in confirming surprise told you!
You have to admit, there are a lot of similarities between what my friend has dreamt and Julien’s message, what with huge waves and tidal waves in two dreams. Yet there is more…
We have to go back to 2004, when there was another cluster of warning dreams, received by some of the people I know. These involved Houston. At the time we were convinced they forecast something imminent. Here again, I was the one who heard similar dreams from different sources. I was very concerned about these dreams and wrote everything down in a notebook. Here are my records.
On Jan 14 or 15, 2004
C. [someone with a long involvement with the A.R.E, a metaphysical organization] tells me of a dream he had one or two nights previous. He saw a wall of water coming at Houston, downtown buildings crumbling, massive destruction, people running in all directions. He had the sense that it was inevitable and even wondered “what are we supposed to do until then?” Note: his subsequent memory of the dream changed and he thought that he had seen something which threatened people in another area, that those on the hills would be safe. He no longer thought that it concerned Houston.
On Jan 16, 2004
My friend A., who at the time lived in Houston, tells me about a dream he had that morning where he sees Houston devastated by an earthquake. He hears a radio voice-over announcing “Houston, the nations 4th largest city, was destroyed by an earthquake.” He too has the sense that it is inevitable. He saw a clock in the dream which showed 7:25 pm. He did not yet know about C.’s dream of the same week.
Jan 17, 2004
I consult the I Ching about these two dreams and get Hexagram 23, Splitting Apart. “Splitting Apart means ruin”. (A current re-reading of that hexagram in book III of the Wilhelm/Baynes edition proves quite interesting.)
Jan 18th, 2004
After prompting myself for a dream on the subject, I dream about the beltway 8 and I-10 overpass in Houston. A colleague from work who normally drives an SUV comes bicycling up. I see jet planes come crashing out of the sky. I cry out to God in anguish “do we really need to go through all this?”
Jan 22, 2004
A woman in study group reports three consecutive dreams, the first recurring dreams she had ever had, where she is in a house surrounded by stormy water. She goes out and is surprised to find out that the water is sea water. On the third day the house “floats away to a peaceful place”.
That week, my friend A. has another dream where he and his brother are in Houston, rainy streets, and he turns around and the ocean is “right there”. He sees large stone slabs leading out to Bimini and realizes that the wave or water had come from there.
My notes indicate that probably on Sunday Jan 25th , I had an insight.
I was sitting in my chair and closed my eyes, asking in prayer to know what all this meant and what would happen. I immediately saw a map of the Texas coastline, with red highlighting along the coast and down along the Mexican coast. The red zones did not extend as far up as Houston. I took this to be a message that this destruction would not affect Houston, but that it would definitely impact the coast.
By now I was pretty worked up about the issue of when this thing was supposed to hit.
On Sunday 25th (notes are clear) I had a very vivid dream.
I am driving at high speed out of a city at night, having decided to leave on the spur of the moment while in a mall parking lot. Don’t know why I am in such a rush. I push on and on and come to an electric gate which is drawing closed across the road just as I get up to it.. I realize why I have been driving so fast. I barely make it.
This was a very powerful dream, and I thought it mean that I would get out at the last minute. The gate symbolism is now quite interesting given that I had this dream on the 25th of the month.
That same Sunday, I decided to call several friends outside Houston, asking them about any recent dreams.
My friend J. in San Francisco (mentioned above, one of the two who asked me to come and visit) reported that she had had a dream about a week before, where San Francisco was destroyed or half-destroyed, possibly by war. The Russians had come to help rebuild and things were quite different afterward. Whatever had caused this seemed to have come out of the air, an aerial attack perhaps. She said it was very vivid and stayed with her for the entire week.
My friend M. who is a bit like a stepson said he had not had any dreams but that he would keep an eye out. I made sure I told him almost nothing about what was concerning me. I said something like “You had any important dreams recently? If you do, make sure you call me. Something is going on.” He called back a few days later and said “I think I’ve got something you will be interested in.” This is his dream:
Jan 29th, 2004.
He was in an old brick mall in Duluth, MN, and ended up in a bar where he and the patrons were talking about life. “As I was talking I saw a bright light outside the window. ‘Holy Cow, check that out’, I said. It was a meteor coming down the side window into the bay of what struck me as L.A. My bar friends and I were in the hills but like in a movie screen the meteor hit the bay, a huge tsunami, earthquakes, they just watched. There was inundation and partial destruction of city. There was a huge plume of smoke and ash. The dream then shifted to another area. Corporate board of business men in suits in Texas but it looked like the arctic were standing outside in a meeting. The only place left to meet. They discussed how to rebuild financial interests. They were very miserable, and this was the only sinister part of the dream. Most of them were coated in frost and freezing and only one guy was not. Two other guys were talking about him. ‘What’s with him?” asked one of them. “Oh, he’s the one who developed frost-free cotton, a GE thing.’ I realized this meant genetic engineering. I got the sense that the oil industry and big business were trying to put the screws to us. Then the dream shifts back to L.A. I was on a rooftop and I was taking care of dogs.” (He plays some music for the survivors who are walking around, upset but busy.) “Everywhere I looked were areas and opportunities for new acts of small-time philanthropy. The world had been destroyed by cataclysm but the part lost didn’t matter. I[t] had already been destroyed by malls and the business men in Texas were the ones really lost. The ominous part was the feeling that they were mobilizing to start over too.”
I am struck today by how close the above dream is to what Julien is announcing.
I noticed one detail in particular: the brick mall in Duluth, an old building. The way he described it (there was more to the dream at the beginning) it was very much like where he and I had seen the movie Miracle Mile when we lived in Duluth. The director had been on hand to introduce it. Miracle Mile is hard to forget. If you don’t know the movie’s story, it’s about someone who picks up a ringing payphone in L.A. and out of the blue gets a warning about an upcoming disaster.
Following this, my friend A., still living in Houston at the time, had this dream:
February 10, 2004
There was a warning from the sky and on the radio; something of a religious belief that the ground was to be collapsed and water to rise. People were listening to this voice and on radio, concerned and divided among themselves of to believe or not.
I was with the believers and urging people to be prepared and pay attention to this coming event. The walls and homes were to be suddenly collapsed and it seemed like a warning but not all people were listening. Those who had listened had some of their clothes and small packages shipped to a high place to be safe from rising water. The water was said to be high for two years and then subside. My family was very worried as was I but I could do nothing. I went back to our apartment and wanted to get some clothes and wondered what I could do with them for two years, as I had not packed anything and missed the chance to send my things away... I was standing on the other side of the street along other people waiting to see what would come next.
On April 4, 2004, I had the following dream:
I was on a vessel, and we went over some big waves. I mean big… Waves a hundred feet high, which make you a little nervous, even in a ship. And then I saw a wave that was coming after them, that was the mother of all waves. We pulled up alongside the shore and it seemed like we might avoid it. That wave was five hundred meters in height.
Of course, it’s hard to tell whether this last dream might have been about the tsunami which occurred later that year.
Back to the present.
On April 25, 2006 (that date again!) it occurred to me that I hadn’t been receiving my Hutton bulletins covering earth-change news and I sent in a change of address. William Hutton is a geologist who writes about Edgar Cayce’s earth change predictions and about how current seismic events might tie in with these predictions. Almost immediately, Hutton forwarded something about Eric Julien, abstaining from comment since, as he put it, he knew nothing about comets. My first reaction was reluctant caution. True, I was open to the UFO information, having had a small interest in UFO’s and read some of the important literature on the subject: David Jacobs, John Mack, Richard Dolan and others. Julien’s credentials seemed pretty solid. The English translations were a little rough, but I could read the French originals just fine. Still, a major catastrophe on May 25, 2006? Part of me just wanted to turn the page. And then it dawned on me: I and people I know have been picking up on something as well. It was still several days before I remembered the 2004 dreams which had once been so important. And when I started compiling the material, I started noticing the many similarities. I had the closing gate dream on the 25th of January, 2004. My friend A. saw the clock with 7:25 – that would suggest a different month – and this year he had his biggest dream about a San Francisco quake (and a pilot to get him out) on March 25, 2006. On April 25th I made a connection which led me to Julien’s website.
The morning after coming across Julien’s website, and getting an overview of the material, I had the following dream.
I was on a set of foothills in front of a major mountain range. The air was balmy, we were enjoying the weather, yet I heard a weather report announcing that the same day we would be getting a severe winter storm. I then saw the mountain range covered with snow – it looked beautiful. Shortly afterward the storm arrived, and I was aware that it had arrived exactly as predicted – the same day. I made my way down long straight stairs, as if they were steps on a pyramid. It got so stormy and so dark that I was having to feel my way down. I got down to the bottom and people were crowding around a store, buying cigarettes. It was nighttime. (I guess the dream was saying they needed relief from stress). Then other things happened in the dream, all of which I don’t understand. But the fact that a prediction came true the same day (same month) didn’t escape me.
Finally, what of that time span which my San Francisco friends referred to when they said that we only had two and half to three time cycles left? I had the dream on Jan 31 of this year. I figured that the time cycles were months. Weeks would be too short and years too long. But we have passed the 3 month mark from Jan 31 and nothing has happened. Time, of course, is a bit fluid when you are in the dreamstate. When they said “you need to come see us NOW” and I got up and visited with them, perhaps NOW referred to the time of the actual visit – and the period during which they would be available -- rather than the time of the dream. My visit centered around Feb 25, with a week on either side. Three time cycles – three months – takes us right to May 25.
I would strongly suggest you keep an eye on your dreams to know what needs to be done in the last part of May. And maybe take a day off on that day, and head for some hills. And read Julien’s site carefully.