These dreams are in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese and are a sampling of what we received between May 16-22, 2006.


Ces rêves sont en anglais, français, espagnol et portuguais, et representent une partie de ce que nous avons reçu entre le 16 et le 22 Mai 2006.


Estos sueños son en Ingles, Frances, Español y Portugues y son una parte de los que recibimos entre el 16-22 de Mayo 2006.


Estos sonhos são em Inglês, Francês, Espanhol y Português y fazem parte dos que recibimos entre o 16-23 de Maio 2006.




May 22nd 2006




I am earth sensitive and I have had that rock in my stomach feeling for over a week now.

I did not know of your website until just a few hours ago.

Nor had I heard of anything of an impact with earth.

Only a psychic sense that something is going to happen.

Here are my dreams.


Dream #1

Wednesday. May 17th, 2006

I am in a large room with tables in the middle for demonstrations of some sort.

A woman who is a psychic is going around the audience and giving out predictions.

She stops by me and says "You will go around from store to store to store trying to find the things you will need."

She is wearing a sweatshirt with what looked like a periodic table of elements on it, only they are not alphabet letters, but more ancient symbols...

One stood out, it was a circle with a dot in the middle.

I turned to my husband who was sitting on my left and I whispered, "She doesn't know I hate to drive."

She heard me and came back to me...she pointed at her sweatshirt and said, "The answer is here, you need to talk to your sisterhood."


**Now I am wondering if the circle was the earth and the dot was the impact...going from store to store a prediction of mass supply shortages?


Dream #2

Friday night. May 19th, 2006

I am standing outside of my house and it is foggy and there is a mist in the air that smells like the sea.

There are helicopters in the air everywhere and they are flying low like they are trying to scare us back into our houses.

One flies so low I have to duck down and the sea spray hits my face like needles because of the high winds the chopper balde makes.

They have strange emblem on the side of them.

Once again symbols no words.

Suddenly a Wal-Mart store appears across the street from my house and I see droves of people with shopping carts trying to get in the store…it is bedlam.


**Felt in this dream like there was a massive secret operation around this, but not to help people but to keep them in line.

Also a sense of no one being prepared.


Dream # 3

Sunday May 21st, 2006

I am living in a high rise apartment. I am in the bathroom bathing three little boys, when I go to let the water out of the drain it won't go I go to the window to look outside to see why the water won't drain.

Far below in the street a huge wave has engulfed the base of the building and the water is rising.

I turn from the window and say, "I'm glad we live up so high the water can't make it to us here."

Then I start to pick things up around the house that are important to me and stick them on the top shelves of all the closets.


**I live in Wisconsin USA

I took this as a sign my area would be spared.

But that I still have to make preparations.


Anyway I am not a kook just wanted to let you know someone else was out here getting messages too.

Thank you for your courage and good luck to you... and to all of us.







My name is (…). I recently read about your predictions on the internet. I'm not sure how I came across your site...just searching I guess. Searching for answers.


 I too have had a couple of very realistic detailed dreams about a big Tsunami type disaster in the Pacific Northwest.


I grew up for part of my childhood in Washington state and I still have many family and loved ones there, including Seattle. I wondered if the dreams I had were out concern for family. But, then I saw a show on an actual scientific concern for the Pacific coast and a Tsunami disaster.


My dreams are detailed and dark. There has also been, in my head, from the exact date! I'm sure it's just something in the deep dark tunnels of my mind....but the date that stands out is September 20th, 2007.


What do I do with these 'dreams'....or is that all I'm having? Dreams??


Please let me know what you think....






When I was a child, maybe 8 or 9 years old (I'm 33 now), I used to have dreams about my town being the new coastline.  I even called it Hartsville Beach.  Even after waking, I would remember the dream and pretend all my little Matchbox cars were at Hartsville Beach.

After checking the maps on the site, I see that Hartsville would in fact be the beach.







Hello I am (…),


I have had so many things of seeing stuff places I go.

Astral I have many many, many times I seen myself twitching...Everything seems smokey OBE

I float beings around me some tall others short....female being jumps on me whilst I lay she was so light like a child but grown up

she giggles and says to me can U see me...I Replied Yeh now get off...She wore like a military type pants


Tsunami coming,

Yes I have had many Lucid dreams though I named them dreamscapes:

In scapes so real..

Its always evenings......50 feet high across northern Australia large southern East Coast Sydney water rises


I first hear the roar and its dark though I see out to sea high water coming towards me.

I hold wave back with my hand Telekinetics...I hold it back for a few minutes

I feel the wind from the wave I smell the salt air I taste the spray


Another I am on a Pier in a cove a large hotel is at end of pier...I hear a rumble then water lapping from one side of cove to other

small waves going wrong direction…then cove empties out....I knew the wave coming U could hear the rumble evening again

I am running backwards watching the Tsunami coming its massive...others running also...We all go to a hill with steps

below is about to be hit.


Another Gold Coast OZ I see wave come in running thru city washing thru high-rises I taste the spray hear the rumbling and again in the evening.


Another in dreamscape: I am in Sydney NSW OZ... I seen a small meteor hit centre point tower....huge explosion people screaming cars crash I hear smashing glass.......the meteor comes from West I think.


Another I am in space watching the planet from above wondering what the ....what am I doing here…so real

then Swoosh a large massive rock flies past me you could feel and hear the swoosh feeling then another came not as big as first but swoosh....then I am transferred into a cove its evening......I see a Pier and Norfolk tree's large surrounding cove then I hear rumble.


Much more to share





I have had premonitions of a comet fragment the size of a school bus hitting the ocean to the right of the united states. I cannot explain it; I was just thinking about it and decided to look up comets back in April, and found info on the Schwassman Wachmann comet, and I just knew it was going to fragment into many pieces. And it did. I have had dreams of a number of huge walls of water, too big to be waves, and many huge storms. Back in 1972, I had a terrible dream that our home was being flooded by river, one month before it happened. (Hurricane Agnes). I was just a kid and my parents didn't listen to me warning them to take all of our possessions upstairs. The first floor was flooded. One month before Mt. St. Helens blew up, I dreamed of it going off, and the side of the mountain was gone. I drew a picture. Sure enough, one month later, she blew. The picture I drew was identical to the photo released in the newspaper. When we were young I had a dream that my sister ate a whole bottle of aspirins trying to kill herself. This was one month before the exact sequence of my dream really did happen and my knowledge of it saved her life.



May 21st, 2006




I had a dream on Saturday morning about a tsunami. It was powerful and menacing, and yet as part of nature it was beautiful to look at.


It was glistening with sunlight and foam at the top, it was also as if the sleepy ocean represented human consciousness, it was calm, the sea was calm, there was a spirit of humble contentedness about the dream I experienced.


Back in January, my wife saw visions of a tsunami and waves of water over buildings and homes. She saw this vision lying on a healers table, clearing her childhood fears. In a deep trance state, she started screaming and crying and the healer had to act fast to settle her before she awoke. When asked, she told of the tsunami, and I knew at that moment, that this would come to be true in the future.


I've told friends about the date, May 25.Some of them think 25th June?..why?


I myself as mentioned in my predictions wasn't expecting the big tsunamis till September/October 2007.


If it or they commence on/around 25 May 06, it feels very short notice on my part.


I let you all know that If it doesn't happen on 25th of May I will feel a little embarrass, yet I would keep soldering on, because I do know IT WILL HAPPEN, whether it be now, next month, next year or 2008.







j'ai eu des prémonitions durant la nuit du 19 et 20 mai d'une grande vague. une vague qui ébranlera l'ensemble de la prétention humaine. une vague qui sera d'une onde de choc impensable.


d'autre prémonition, confirmerons que ce que j'ai vu durant la nuit du 19 et 20 mai arrivera, mais la date exact je ne peut la définir.


je cite parmi mes prémonitions

- le tsunami indonésien (une dizaine de jour avant)

- le séisme de boumerde (un mois et demi avant environ)


je vibre sans cesse en ce moment, je suis triste, pour ce qui va arriver, mais c'est ainsi




Alger Algérie



May 20th, 2006




I had a very vivid dream just before waking up on the morning of May 14th, 2006.

It was so vivid and emotionally disturbing that it woke me up suddenly.

I was in a tall building looking out over a city that was on the water. I saw many canals and the ocean off in the distance.

It reminded me of the view you see from the mainland side of the intracoastal if you were in a high-rise looking east towards the ocean.

Out in the distance I saw what looked like a large ship hovering right above the horizon. I saw it very clearly.

It looked short and stubby w. rounded ends and at the time I saw it-it at first reminded me of a cruise ship.

It was white on the bottom and red on top.

It fell from the sky and into the water and created a huge wave that I saw come towards us

and then water came rushing up into the building and I was amongst many people trying to run up to the next floor of the building-it seemed to be an apartment building.

We realized the people on the next floor had their door locked so we couldn't get up into the next level and that's when I woke up.

It was such a vivid and unusual dream that I told my husband right after he woke up that morning.


I had a similar dream about a month ago where I was near a 3-4 floor concrete building with balconies all around it and water came rushing up the street and we all ran up the front steps of the building to get away from the water and then ran up another flight of stairs. And then I looked out to see the whole area was flooded.

Then woke up. It was also a very vivid dream.

This area was in Wakefield Massachusetts in the town I grew up in.

The building was up on a hill at an intersection I had crossed as a child walking to school.


I had never even heard about this comet thing until I told a friend about my dreams on Sunday May 15th

and he told me about it...that's when I started looking on the internet and found out about it.

So now I think this is a message to me to move to higher ground since I only live 15 miles from the ocean here in Florida.

So we will take the RV up into Georgia and then Alabama and go stay with friends. I feel lucky and grateful that I am able to do that.

I asked other friends and family in Florida if they had similar dreams but they did not and so were not concerned about what I read on the internet about the comet.

They just laughed at me and said the dreams represented an emotional upheaval but I am not having any problems like that so I don't think so.

Perhaps there is a reason why only certain people have these dreams.

Is it because they are the ones chosen to be saved.





  I had a dream in 1998. At the time I was living in Nashville TN. I had a dream I could see the New York skyline from high above and far away.  As the dream progressed I realized I was seeing New York from Los Angeles As I looked at the skyline I saw a wave come in from the Atlantic that was so large in reached all the way to California. I don't recall any kind of destruction just the huge wave basically covering everything in its path. This dream has stuck with me since. After 9/11 I thought this dream was signifying terrorism taking over the country as a wave obviously originating from New York and the WTC. Since this dream I moved to accept a job in another city. The city which I now reside... Los Angeles





Mi nombre es … soy de Guadalajara,Jal. Mexico.


Hace 5 meses tube el siguiente sueño:


me encontraba en un edificio de 2 pisos (parecia una Biblioteca) este estaba rodeado de cristal, yo me encontraba en la parte superior, y uno podia ver a las personas que se encontreaban en la planta baja. por los ventanales tu podias ver una ciudad llena de arboles y casas tipo muy europeo, la verdad nunca identifique realmente que lugar era, en cuestion de minutos se sintio un sismo muy grande, tube que agacharme y tomarme de el varandal para no caer y lastimarme, toda la gente empezo a gritar, fue cuestion de segundos, cuando este paro, y la jente salio corriendo de el lugar, yo me espere un poco y decidi bajar por unas escaleras de caracol a la planta baja, pero al querer salir, me percate de un viento muy inusual, demasiado fuerte, y caliente, el viento traia consigo mucho polvo, en ese  momento a mi me dio mucho miedo, y decidi mejor no salir de el lugar, y me regrese al sugundo nivel, estando ahi, asomandome por los ventanales, me percate de una gran masa de agua que se hacercaba, tapando todas las casas y arboles de el lugar, hasta que llego a la edificacion donde yo me encontraba, destruyendo los ventanales, en ese momento me baje corriendo por la escalera de caracol, pero ya era demasiado tarde, me subi de nuevo, la fuerza de el agua subia con gran rapidez hacia doonde yo estaba, quise escapar pero no habia por donde, en ese momento empece a llorar porque sabia que iva a morir, en ese momento y gracias a Dios que era un sueño, mi esposa me  desperto.



May 18, 2006




I have never had premonitions that provided me with a date/time for what may happen.  Since an early age, maybe 5 or 6 yrs old, I have had dreams about tsunamis.  I live in Cornwall on the South West Coast of England and can remember asking my mum when I was younger whether we would be safe as we lived at the top of a hill.  At that point in my life I had never heard of a tsunami, or tidal wave, but I was definitely aware that they could happen.


In recent years these dreams have become more vivid.  I have tried to put my dreams down to an overactive imagination, but I cannot shake the images out of my head.  I have stumbled across your website as I believe that something very bad is due to happen and I have been looking for answers/reasons for feeling the way that I do.  I also believe that the majority of people around me have no idea or interest and I cannot approach the subject without feeling a little stupid/paranoid.  I have tried to speak to members of my family and they feel that I am crazy for having such thoughts about the future.  What can I do to ensure that the people I care about are safe from harm? 


There is a part of me that feels that this is the next natural progression for our world and if I am meant to survive then I will. 






Dans la nuit du 11 ou 12 mai dernier j'ai fait un drôle de rêve. J'étais
entourée de ma famille qui habite à 1000 km de là où je suis (je suis en
Andorre actuellement) et également  de quelques américains qui allaient dans
tous les sens avec moi. j'étais étonnée de voir des centaines de poissons et
d'autres étranges animaux dans les placards et tout autour de nous mais il
n'y avait rien de négatif mais plutôt un grand étonnement dû au fait de voir
des poissons sur la terre. Il y avait au contraire beaucoup d'amour et de
recherche de compréhension.
Au réveil, je suis allée sur le site d'Ere nouvelle alors que je n'y étais
pas allée depuis quelques mois donc je n'avais pas encore lu les nouvelles
au sujet du prochain tsunami aux Etats Unis. J'ai eu des frissons d'angoisse
en lisant tous les messages de Jésus à ce sujet et je me suis dit que mon
rêve avait un petit sens.
Aujourd'hui, à chaque fois qu'un nouveau message est dit, je suis comme
appelée vers mon ordinateur pour le lire. Je n'ai pas peur mais je me sens
un peu seule pour agir ou faire quelque chose.
De toute façon je ressens beaucoup de choses depuis quelque temps mais
surtout une grande solitude et un grand désespoir face à tous ces mouvements
de haine engendrés par les pays soit disant développés.
Je pense qu'un éveil collectif est en train de s'établir mais la fin
approche et nous devons nous y préparer en priant et en emportant avec nous
tous ceux qui ont toujours cru en un monde meilleur.
Soyons soudés par nos pensées et nos actes bienfaisants.







I would like to share my dream vision about a tidal wave hitting the east coast Cocoa beach.  At the time 1987 we were living in Cocoa area.  My dream begins with a crowded beach with many people.  It seemed like it was a Holiday or spring break or something.  It felt like May because it was not that hot like in sweltering summer heat. I remember this dream like it happened yesterday.  In fact, I had to leave the coast because of it.  I now live in AK.   Anyway, we, my two sons, and I were playing in the sand when something looked strange with the sky.  It looked like a mirage of a horizontal line as far as I could see.  It was as tall as two skyscrapers at least.  I noticed the tide was going back and there were kids walking out collecting shells and little fish.  That’s when I jumped up and starting yelling “tidal wave “ !!!!  RUN, RUN!!! The crowds started to scream and go crazy.  That’s when a strange calmness came over me and I realized there is no time to run so I told my children it would be ok and to swim toward the light and then the wave hit while we were hugging each other, just like the movie Deep Impact when the woman on the beach is hugging her father.


The wave hits… we are under the water and we see a light glowing and we swim to the light at the end.  As soon as we get to the light, we come through a small tunnel and next we are in different place and it is so peaceful. There are very nice people there meeting us and comforting us.  It’s a river, beautiful crystal river Che’bar. I can hear the water and smell the beautiful colorful flowers everywhere.  I hear birds chirping and see bright sunlight shining through the trees.  The sky was so vividly blue, the color of a blue topaz.

I saw shimmering lights shining like diamonds .  It seems like the Garden of Eden or something.  I was so happy and overwhelmed with joy that I was crying.  When I woke up I was still crying. 


I believe this was a vision from God to leave the coasts.  I have had many visions of comet fragments hitting homes, and much civil unrest.  My daughter who is ten had this dream also about comets hitting. 


I know something is about to happen because I keep seeing 11:11 , 1:11, etc. most of the time I look at the time.  It must be a warning, because people see the same thing all over the earth, just look up 11:11 and see for yourself what I am taking about.  I have warned people and they look at me like I am crazy.  But they thought Noah was crazy as well right?  Well anyway, I hope this helps.   







About 2 or 3 weeks ago, I dreamt (while sleeping)
about the state of Alaska. There seemed to be some
sort of volcano or earthquake, because the ground was
trembling. Then I saw it separate from the mainland
and start to drift out to sea. It didn't get very far,
though, for it soon vanished beneath the surface of
the Pacific.


When trying to interpret this dream and to connect it
with the forecast for May 25, I see that an impact
will set off a series of events that will reverberate
throughout the world. There will be a re-ordering of
the tectonic plates. I would expect other earthquake
fault lines to be affected. My dream about Alaska may
suggest something about the San Andreas fault line on
the US West Coast.

Over the past 3 years, I have seen images relating to
major earth changes. The first image involved waves of
water coming from the Atlantic, causing the US eastern
coast to sink. Our capitol in Washington DC was forced
to relocate to an area north of Chicago in Minnesota.
Florida was completely lost beneath the surface. The
Mississippi River widened to such a degree that it
connected with the Great Lakes. Instead of behaving
like a river, it essentially became a strait or a
narrow sea. Then, whether related or not, I saw that
the west coast would disappear. What would remain of
our country would be shaped like a horseshoe. The
states east of the Mississippi River would join the
republic of Atlantis, due to its new neighboring

About a year and a half ago, I started to sense that a
certain kind of death would occur May 25 or 26, year
unknown. The specifics of that impression were vague.
Yet I have sensed, for a few years now, that the year
2006 could hold potentials for major earth change.



May 17, 2006




Les victimes du Tsunami et du séisme en Indonésie confirment le Tsunami sur
le continent américain...
C.F du 31.05.2006
*(Morts du séisme en Indonésie): Bénédiction de vite sentir votre présence
afin de transformer notre souffrance. Des frayeurs grandioses sont vite
venues figer le mouvement et nous a raptées de vie ultime... Souhait est de
nous voir accueillis comme des êtres dignes d'entrer dans la lumière. Nous
déposons nos fardeaux pour pouvoir poursuivre notre chemin dans la paix,
sans les cadenas de souffrance et de répétition des traumas. Nous élevons
nos intentions pour rejoindre la communaute des morts, choyant des
possibilités de communiquer avec vous sans attachements inadéquats. Nous
vous remercions de votre sollicitude.
Traduisez des avertissements aux hommes de recevoir avec respect les
messages de la nature. Citez des vigilances de protéger vos vies afin de
pouvoir continuer à élever vos enfants. Nous mêmes nous avons laissé des
orphelins! Ce qui nous relie c'est la grande chaîne de solidarité et de
respect de la vie qui se poursuit comme un joyau précieux.
*(Mon frère Hoàn): Ensemble nous nous entraidons afin que nul ne soit lâché.
Bientôt une nouvelle catastrophe risque de faire de nouvelles victimes. Des
éclats de voix vite me parviennent pour confirmer ces prédictions: traduire
en mots c'est graves dangers de bouleversements de la nature. Sachez
prévenir les gens en danger pour qu'ils sauvent leur vie. Courez vite!
N'attendez pas! Moi ton frère, je veux bien assumer ce rôle en parlant
directement dans leur coeur afin qu'ils puissent recueillir des intuitions
sûres de ce qui peut leur arriver. Je vois des mouvements de terrain graves
mais localisés à la côte Est des Etats-Unis (donc pas de séisme aux Canaries
qui déclencherait l'affaissement du flanc du volcan de La Palma ???).
S'éloigner des côtes est grandement nécessaire plus que jamais
*(Phan): Tu confirmes pour Juin?
* (Mon frère Hoàn): Kilos de lignes écrites avertissent déjà les hommes du
danger qui s'approche. Je vais parler dans leur coeur directement... Le ciel
va s'assombrir et les oiseaux cesser leurs chants! Ouvrir son coeur c'est
être averti.Ne crains pas pour les tiens, mais saches que d'autres seront
touchés. Fracture de terre sous marine se fera.  Bravement, Nous sommes au
travail sur cette terre : faveur de répandre tolérance dans le cour des

Moi ton frère, je dépose un baume sur ton coeur pour te souhaiter un grand
courage. Hiên Dat restera de plus en souvent à la maison pour que sa mère se
rende utile. Ouvrir son esprit est toujours possible en lui donnant
confiance, je m'y attelle. Sois en sûr!
*(Mon père): Toi mon fils, j'entends ta tristesse et elle me peine. Sache
que tu fus un bon père pour Hiên Dat même s'il reste autiste... C'est son
karma, tu n'y peux rien... Accepte-le ainsi, je t'aime. Ton père.

CHANNELLING du 10.05.2006
- (Victimes du Tsunami): Gravité vite nous submerge en évoquant cette
tragédie. Urgence surgit enfin pour les hommes de comprendre la nécessité de
ce qui se trame. Ces prévisions laissent entrevoir ce qui est hélas possible
d'envisager dans les semaines à venir au large du continent américain. Nous
les victimes du premier Tsunami (le 26.12.2004) d'abord incrédules, nous
avons regardé la mer se retirer ... et dans un silence de mort tous les
bruits ont cessé...Nous ne vigilons pas de voir cette tragédie qui s'annonce
faire autant de victimes! Tous ces morts autour de nous... toute cette
désolation et cette solitude de ne pouvoir partager cette détresse inouïe et
sans fond, nous avons aujourdhui plus que jamais à coeur que telle tragedie
épargne les vôtres et tous ceux qui enfin accepteront d'ouvrir les yeux et
regarder en face la réalité!
- (Phan):ça se passera comment? Collision de la comète SW 3 qui va frôler la
Terre entre le 15 et 25 Mai?
-(Victime du Tsunami): Restituer des véracités de ces propos mais il s'agit
de deux phénomènes différents.
La comète n'est pas concernée. Une brèche se creuse de jour en jour dans les
profondeurs de la terre...fissure se creuse dans les entrailles de la terre
: traduire en mots se réalise comme des tombereaux de terre qui vont
engloutir des milliers d'habitations, de la mer jusque dans les échancrures
de la terre. Il faut prévoir une zone de sécurité de quatorze miles, soit 23
km. Quitter les habitations élevées vous sauvera plus sûrement...
Ouvrir des précisions plus précises sur la date relate la première semaine
de juin. Prévenez les vôtres, préparer les sauvetages vite!
- (Phan): Des signes précurseurs de ce cataclysme?
- (Victimes du Tsunami): Le ciel va s'assombrir... Les animaux vite
sentiront l'urgence et émettrons des signes d'arrêt de mouvements... Silence
dans le ciel zébré d'éclairs blancs. Un changement silencieux et oppressant
presque imperceptible de l'air... Aux premiers signes fuyez vers l'interieur
et même avant si possible! Nous vous supplions de faire tout ce qui est en
votre possible pour épargner vos petits. Purifiez vos coeurs, branchez-vous
avec l'énergie céleste qui guidera vos élans de protection et amoindrira les
dégâts. Tenez-vous la main pour une communion d'esprit et de coeur. Le
volcan se prépare et la fumée annoncera l'événement. Observez tous les
signes inhabituels. Préparez-vous ce qui doit arriver arrivera, vous serez
là pour le vivre et transformer ce qui devra être transformé.
- (Phan): L'Amérique Centrale et du Sud seront-elles touchées aussi?
- (Victimes du Tsunami) : Il se peut que tous soit touchés. Nous sommes là.
Observez les signes et vous vivrez pour témoigner. Ensemble nous travaillons
pour la guérison de l'humanité. Notre main secourable sur ton épaule pour
ton aide.
Nous nous retirons et merci de votre attention.






I would like to know if you have seen anything for the west coast of the
US... I have seen an earthquake, plate shift in the Pacific Ocean that
creates a tsunami from Mexico to Canada - perhaps May 24.  There are
others who have seen the same.  Spiritual leaders such as Sathya Sai
Baba and Mother Meera and teachers in India are saying to stay away
from California in May.  I am an intuitive and have seen many events
before they occur.  If someone asks me and brings it to awareness I
have been accurate with the date.
I know something major that we have never experienced before will occur
soon.  The comet is the herald of these events.  I see a political
assassination that may be covered up as an accident, our administration
not wanting the American people to know that we were NOT protected from
terrorism after all.  I sense that could be any day, and is the
precursor to the tsunami.

I would appreciate knowing if you have 'viewed' the west coast.  I do
not see it in the maps???  There is much circulation of the warnings
about California.
Thank you for spreading awareness.  I am doing this full time the past
two weeks.






Bonjour M. Julien,

C'est avec un profond respect par rapport au travail que vous faites actuellement que je vous fais part de ma prémonition. Cela c’est passé au début d’avril 2006. J’étais tout bonnement assis dans ma voiture au centre commercial en train d’attendre ma copine. Sans avoir lu sur le sujet et sans indice aucun, j’ai eu une révélation plutôt instantanée. C’était très intense et comme si on voulait me faire passer un message très clair. On m’a mentionné que le monde dans lequel nous vivons était sur le point de subir des transformations majeures qui modifieraient radicalement notre mode de vie et notre façon de concevoir la vie dans sa globalité. Ces cataclysmes étaient imminents (questions de quelques semaines) et on m’a fait part qu’il était urgent de retrouver une spiritualité et de faire la paix avec mon entourage. De plus, bien qu’on ne m’ait pas mentionné de quoi il s’agissait, on m’a fait comprendre que le premier pays touché serait les USA mais que peu de personnes seraient ensuite épargnées afin de créer un vaste élan de solidarité dans le monde et une ouverture des consciences. Imaginer, je n’étais même pas au courant de l’ascension au début avril, ce message m’est donc arrivé dessus comme une tonne de briques….J’ai fait mes propres recherches depuis et je crois bien humblement mieux comprendre la situation maintenant.







I am writing in the name of may son of 12 years old called David.  He  
wants to tell you that last Sunday night he dreamt that a huge wave  
reached our flat (on the fifth floor) and the water came in. He could  
see that the wave coming from the sea.  We live en a town near  
Barcelona (Spain) and therefore quite near the sea.

My son told me this dream the following morning while having  
breakfast.  I felt that it was very strange as he never remembers his  
dreams and because a year ago or so I had the same dream.

Today, a friend of mine sent me you web link and I showed it to my son.

Thank you.







I have had ET (Galactic friends) contact since childhood and have been given many visions.  Recently, however, I asked my Galactic friends to tell me through my dreams if this comet fragment will hit and cause catastrophic damages, and my ears immediately began humming loudly like when ships are near by.  I then asked if that was a signal for "yes" then it would stop humming in my ear, and it did immediately.


However, what perplexes me is that I read Messages from Matthew and in his 4/29/06 message he stated that nothing would occur and that our ETs would prevent it.  Now I'm confused!


Also, my visions have included seeing a tsunami hit in the location of very steep hills in a downtown area which I thought was San Francisco, except that the water was coming from the East.


Also, I saw great tornadoes which I think have already happened.  I also saw that pre-hurricane season a hurricane would come from the Gulf causing great destruction to Texas and completely wiping out New Orleans - off the map!  And years ago, my ETs showed me leading a group of people through a mountain to get to what was a commune setting - where people would rebuild the world.  Recently, while very depressed and wanting out of this lifetime, I was confronted by a committee of 5.  The leader of the group showed me a holographic view of the world after the earth changes and told me that I agreed to a mission of being a teacher and showing people how to live using earth resources since no manufacturing will be done.  Our diets will also change, and the only ones left on this planet will be those who are spiritually evolved so that no hatred, wars, greed or anything negative will be a part of the new world.  We will reseed the planet and it will be plush!





In November of 2001, I had a very vivid dream. In it, I was living in Bradenton, Florida telling everyone, "we have to get out now or we are all going to die!" and really having a fit. I gave them an exact time of day. (though I forget exactly when they was.) and I was so intensive about it, I was taken to a mental hospital. I insisted, and they injected me with something to calm me, then walked in and told me, "see, it's that time and nothing has happened." I began to calm, and as I walked outside I saw on a bright sunny day this wall of water coming at me. I felt dread fill my chest because I knew I was going to die.

What really validated that experience was that about a year later I met some of those people in that dream, which in itself meant something to me.

Then in 2003, while wide awake, I had a vision. I was standing on a street in St. Petersburg. Again, sunny day. Leaves on Trees. Calm wind. Clear skies. And then it came at me, but this time I was calm before opening my eyes. It was more clear to me than any dream or any waking experience. I took that to mean a potential future based on the choices I was making.

I was talking about this in a Forum in 2003, and someone posted me some links about the Mega-Tsunami Prediction from an island landslide, so I assumed that would be the cause.

The visions led me to want to move from Florida, and I did. I now live in the Mountains of Pennsylvania, near New York. But while living here I had a dream.

In this dream, I was walking along a beach at night and it was quiet. The waters of the ocean gave off a soft blue glow, like the entire ocean had changed at the vibrational level. I then heard a voice say, "A Star has fallen into the ocean." and then within the dream I had a vision of a Large Rock about the size of what is predicted to strike the Atlantic in May, (having never heard these predictions before.) fell into the Atlantic ocean during the day time, it made a big splash but I didn't really see all that much water displaced by it. It then fell onto the sea floor, near a ridge. I didn't see a Tsunami event triggered though, but it feels to mean something.

I have felt for a very long time something big is about to happen. I have warned my family and friends, but like I saw in my first dream, people never will be prepared for it.



16 May 2006




Bonjour à tout le monde, je vis dans les DOM-TOM Antilles en 1997 à 1998 soit de Février 1997 à Javier 1998 en 3 fois.


Février 1997 : Pendant mon sommeil je vit un Ange blanc lumineux qui se tenait derrière moi je ne pouvais pas le voir mais je voyait l'éclat lumineux de sa lumière et il me dit Patrick regarde et voit : Je vis des personnes coucher par terre et du sang il prit une de ses droit et il traversa le mur pour écrire 20  les deux chiffres se mit à saigner rouge Sang.


Juin 1997 : Pendant mon sommeil je vis la même chose des morts de toutes sortes et l'Ange me dit Patrick regarde et voit. L'Ange écrit comme du Feu dans le mur 200 les 3 chiffres Saignait rouge sang.


Janvier 1999 : Pendant mon sommeil je vis la  même chose L'éclat de l'Ange était très très lumineux et il me dit d'une voie FORT PATRICK regarde et voit et dit leurs ce qui va arriver : Je vis des milliers et des milliers de morts, des corps décapités, je vis  de l'eau et des arbres coucher par terre. L'Ange écrit comme du Feu dans le mur 2006 et la voie me dit très FORT PATRICK l'an 2006 la terre sera toucher au cœur de l'âme il aura des cries et des pleurs dit leurs dit leurs ce qui va arriver. Je savais que cela n'était pas un rêve mais une Prédication. Donc Priez




This dream I had before even hearing about Eric Julien dreams or visions and
meteor crashing on earth by UFOs
Around 2 months ago I had a dream were I was sitting in a room with three
men. I was watching an analyzing one man that was not an earthling.
The other two men where humans of earth. The alien seemed to be very good
looking and the leader of the group talking about plans. I was mesmerized
by is radiating presence. I was allowed to be a bystander and watch.

Later in the dream I am in a big shopping mall or in a huge bus depot.
Suddenly hundreds of people are running in and are scared seeing protection.
As I look outside thought the bay widows the sky is very pitch dark and I
could see the rims of some gigantic oval ufos covering the black sky.

Suddenly I see some cars falling from the sky and I cannot understand why
aliens would bombard the earth with cars trucks or some other type of

Then I realized that it was all planned previously.